Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Care is How Health Happens

News Flash! 
Health does not happen because we get regular checkups from the doctor or health care provider. Health does not happen because we take this or that allopathic or holistic treatment or intervention. That is what we call magical thinking. Magical thinking is when we give extraordinary powers to a person, place or thing. For example, the bone pointing syndrome is an example of magical thinking. That's when the witch doctor (or the oncologist for that matter) points a boney finger at the patient and they die on schedule. When we think that getting a mammogram makes you healthy, or that taking your blood pressure makes you healthy. Or for that matter taking your medicine makes you healthy. In truth none of these medical interventions make you healthy. What they do is make sure you get treatment if you do get sick or to keep you from getting sicker. 
So How Does Health Happen?
Britt, Eric and Kai Conn
Can you imagine thinking that infants are healthy because they go to the doctor, or have acupuncture, or massage, or take herbs or medicine. Of course not. Infants are healthy when and if they receive constant vigilance care from mom and dad. Caring Moms and Dads, create a warm, comforting nurturing environment the supports the infant's health. Well Care, Self-Care is what is required for all humans to attain, regain, or maintain a healthy balance within our own skins and also a balance with our environments.
Yet most of the care we give our selves is woefully inadquate. Sure we brush our teeth, sometimes, we wash our hands, sometimes, we eat on the run. We get enough sleep unless we have something more important or fun to do. But most of us also do countless things that are plain and simply neglectful or abusive to our bodies. For example, we use over 100 products that have toxic ingredients linked to many different chronic and acute illnesses. Perhaps if they were only in one product there would not be a clear and present danger but many of these toxins are in products you use from morning till night overexposing you to their toxic effects. This is just one example.
Exploring How Health Happens
On this page we will be discussing the honest truth about what it takes to create within ourselves a desire for health. A desire so strong that we will actually take every action necessary to attain, regain, or maintain health. I have a beautiful picture of a dear dear family that shows so beautifully what it takes to let health happen in their infant son Kai. Just imagine how healthy we would be if we gave that same loving care and nurturing to our selves and our families. Care is how health happens and we'll be learning how to care for ourselves in our present environmental circumstances.

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