Friday, April 4, 2014

Health is Happening to Me .

It's been almost a year since I have written about how health is happening to me. It's been quite a ride. But now I can honestly say that I seem to have found the path to health.vHealth is happening to me  through a toxic free organic lifestyle. I've been eating a high alkaline, low histamine, nightshade free, low gluten, low dairy, and low meat diet. I've gone from 294 to 275 in weight and I have had only 1 flareup of angioedema  since October. Do you want to know what I'm doing? Well not much exercise. I'm eating Breakfast when I remember.
Usually a bowl of Primal Island Granola with raw milk or a protein shake.

For lunch I either have a green shake or a green wrap with vegan mayonnaise, avocado, a teff (gluten free grain) wrap and some baby greens, and for dinner sweet potato, saute'd greens in olive oil, or pesto pizza, or a rice bowl with arugula. Thrive Vegan Cafe That's where I buy the mayo, wraps, pizza crusts, rice bowls. What kind of awesome diet allows you to have an avocado a day? Mine. My favorite food! I can't say that I am suffering at all! In fact I'm loving it. Oh and I've lost my taste for wine except when we go out to dinner. It's quite amazing what happens when you get all of those toxins our of your system.

The Powders I get from Essante Organics.

I use these to make my smoothies. I have many different recipes. And there some spices that I've learned are good for my health. Cinnamon and Cardamon go in my protein drinks along with banana or blueberries. Tumeric goes in my green drinks along with ginger and lemon or lime.

As I drop more weight I'll be starting to get more active however a few falls over the past few years have made me fearful of walking.

So that's my current status. Let me know if you have any questions or if you want to try a healthy lifestyle and see how you feel. Here's how I feel.

Walt Whitman said it best.

I sing to the body electric
I celebrate the me yet to come
I await my own reunion
When I become one with the sun. 

It's best when sung.

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