Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Health Begins When We Wake Up

It was July 14th, 2013 when I had a 911 wake up call. I awoke at 4 am. My tongue was swelling and the swelling was slowly moving into my throat. I was terrified. I grabbed my prednisone, benedryl, and a handful of Essante green capsules. And sat in the living room to see if I had reversed the life-threatening process. In the 10 years that I have been dealing with angioedema it has never reached my airway until now. This is my choice point on my journey. It is part of how health happens. So how did this happen? 
Angioedema - an autoimmune condition related to histamine imbalance.

In 2004 I was diagnosed with an auto immune condition. Sometimes my face swells, or my hands, or my tongue. The condition is only life threatening when the throat, swells to block the airway. Modern medicine had given me all it had to offer. And it was considerable and had saved my life many times. Prednisone, Benadryl trips to the ER managed my symptoms so that I didn’t suffer a blocked airway and die. But I didn’t want to live like this anymore. I wanted health not just survival. I knew there had to be a way to restore my former healthy exuberant self. So I went looking for answers. Everybody had a remedy. And one approach fit with my worldview, nursing knowledge, and connectedness to the earth.
 The Alkaline Balancing Act
My friend, Jana Szabo shared the Essante video on alkalinity with me. I trust Jana, she is a dear friend with a loving heart and a fierce commitment to integrity. In early March I enrolled and ordered my own Fast Start Pack. I started on the 7.352 powder the Essante Greens and the SuperReds. As long as my Ph. stayed in the alkaline range I had next to no outbreaks. The ones I had were stopped with a low dose of overthecounter antihistamines in combination. I was getting healthy. Everyone I met told me how great I looked. My energy was up, my skin cleared I stayed Alkaline religiously. My friends joined Essante because of what they saw in me. 
“Every now I can have some of my old favorites”
Feeling good for so long, I thought, “every now I can have some of my old favorites”. And I could, as long as I kept my alkaline balance. One treat turned into two, then dinners out, then desserts all in a row. My ph was shifting. I started to get swelling on my hands. I took more greens but kept eating those yummy hiprotein sugary foods. Sometime we are blessed with a warning before we are faced with sudden death. May you be so fortunate.
Last night was my 911 wake up call. Health happens when we put our bodies in the best environment for healing. I am sharing this story to say, we all have our own paths to health. Some we share and some are unique to us. Our bodies are in continuous exchange with our environment, the water that we drink, the air that we breathe, the fire that keeps us warm, the earth beneath our feet, which by the way supplies us with the vitamins, minerals, and proteins and carbohydrates we need to be living vibrant beings. This is true for all of us. Our water, air, soil, all need our loving care and we need to take our nourishment from plants grown in healthy environments. 

Florence Nightingale had it right.
Whatever you believe to be your path to health know that what Florence Nightingale said in mid 1800s “that the work of the nurse is to put our bodies in the best environment for healing she was prophesying where we are today. You must become your own nurse. Selfcare is the most honorable blessed and neglected form of care. It is for this reason that my path to health is based upon the enrichment and nourishment of locally grown organic greens, supplemented with 100% certified organic, chemically free, energy enhanced Essante products. I’m recommitting to nursing myself back to health and sharing my journey in hopes that I can contribute a measure of inspiration to you. Blessings on you on your path, this day, this era for which I am so very grateful to be alive.

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